About Sydney

Hello there! I see that you have come to learn a little bit about me. I'll try to make this short and sweet. 

I am your average mid-western girl trying to make her mark in this world. I currently maintain a Youtube channel that can be found here. Influenced by my success on Youtube and my love for writing, I was advised to start a blog. After prayer, lots of drafts, and a lot of self reflection, I decided to launch my blog, Blissfully Sydney, to share my life with you all. To learn a little bit about the purpose behind my blog, check out my first post here. 

I am a spring 2022 graduate of Lindenwood University, where I obtained my bachelor of science in Digital Marketing with an emphasis in Social Media and Digital Content Strategy. I am a lover of many things. Those things include (but are not limited to): my basset hound puppies, dance, shopping, sour candies, volunteering, writing, and making Youtube videos. Back in August 2017, my career as a content creator really took off when I was offered a position as a spokesperson for a brand that was once known as Universitee Box, but has recently been rebranded under the name of Cliquish. This opportunity opened many doors for me and boosted my confidence tremendously. Since then, I have found my voice as both a content creator and a person.

I intend to make this blog about more than just my daily life. As some of you may know, I am currently in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend who lives in England. We run a joint Instagram account (@ourldrjourney) which has allowed us to share our story with others and offer advise. I hope to continue to document our adventures together. In addition to my relationship, I plan on taking you all on my college decision journey and to continue documenting that portion of my life well into my college life. 

I hope that answered all of your questions and gave you a little insight on who I am and the reason I started this blog. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me. I love making new friends!

